Data Center & Mission-Critical Applications

Why Choose ONICON for Data Centers?

Accurate flow and energy measurement is vital for mission-critical facilities like data centers and hospitals to achieve peak efficiency. These facilities face the unique challenge of maintaining 24/7 operations while managing rising energy demands.

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Maximize Performance with Precision Flow & Energy Measurement
FT-3000 Series Inline Electromagnetic Flow Meters
FT-3000 Series Inline Electromagnetic Flow Meters
ONICON's F-3000 Series Inline Electromagnetic Flow Meters provide high accuracy real-time flow measurement and are well suited to adapt to the needs of data center facilities.
FT-3500 Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter
FT-3500 Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter
The FT-3500 Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter provides reliable and accurate flow measurement that can be installed into existing systems eliminating any downtime.
System-1000 Flow & Energy Measurement System
System-1000 Flow & Energy Measurement System
ONICON's System-1000 combines high-accuracy flow measurement with precise temperature differential sensors to directly calculate energy usage. Providing real-time BTU data, the System-1000 helps support practive energy management and control in data centers.